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November Expectations:

My November expectations and goals.

*First Sight is out at Amazon. I’m excited about this version. I hope you all like it.

*I am finishing up Serenity, and then I’ll send it off to be edited. I need to have it turned in to Fiery Vision Publishing by December.

*I Still only been doing 10-15 takeovers per month. I want to get more writing in.

*Now or Never- started.

*Imperfect Me- started

*I am working on the two Novellas series with Fiery Vision Publishing. One series is called Coffee Shop and the other Statesmen. I am working on the Statesmen story. I must come up with a title that has Wyoming in it. I have barely started the coffee shop one, but I have until May 2021 for that and April 2020 for the Statesmen.

*I have several new books in the works but just in the beginning stages. I’m trying not to start any until I get the ones with deadlines done, but it’s hard to hold in the thoughts and not put a rough idea down on paper.

Let’s just hope I’ll be able to remember what I was thinking when I go back to my notes. Ha

I want to thank all the people in my life that give me support. I will forever be in your debt.

I am always here to answer questions. Don't ever hesitate to get in touch with me through Facebook or by email. I love hearing from people.

Have a splendid and safe month of November.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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